Tuesday, November 4, 2008

practically true

Pain always produces logic, which is very bad for you.
Frank O'Hara, "Personism: A Manifesto"


ms said...

the logic or the pain?

brtom said...

Something I've wondered about, too. Both, I conclude. The whole process.

ms said...

yeah, i think pain -- like many other emotions and experiences (all of them tending to be viewed as "bad" or negative," and viewed certainly as less than desirable) unearth a need to know - why? what did i do? There is no logic after all and my own best answer after many years is "why not?" If not me that suggests someone else shoud have been the recipient of hatever it is...and so I go with the pain and to hell with the logic bc it just doesn't get me anywhere any better than I was. The logic if it can be called that says its my pain bc I earned it, I deserved it and if that is so i need to hold on really tight -- or just call the whole thing off -- bc there's a whole more coming down the road...